The Phoenix Rises

By sheilaM

Who is a grudging dog?

Our weekly walk with refreshments  at the golf club.
Feeling a bit better and maire able to deal with the ankle biter. Copronil is wonderful  stuff. I can't  say she's  cured, but hasn't  snacked in the past 24 hours. Long may that continue.  I will never complain about picking up poo ever again...well at least for a while. 
I  managed to leave her sleeping in her cage so I escaped to a shop all on my own. What and exhilarating experience.  Of course when I got back I could here her from outside the front door and her bed was soaked. OK, too cocky then Sheila.
Will I ever learn.
I managed to catch our lively new fish van. Halibut and some haddock. Pushed the boat out. Have to reign it in after todaysnhike in energy prices . It’s going to be grim for lots of pensioners and low paid people. And they didn't  take the VAT off.
This party in government  wants to kills off the poor. Now who in history  has ever done that before???
Will there be special  places for them all to go, apart from the food banks that already exist that is?

Wake up and smell the smelly stuff now people, please.

Sorry, rant over...for now.


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