
By jennym999

Uluru 2015

I’m still going through all my photos on the cloud and earlier today I was doing February 2015. We were in Australia then and people were still climbing Uluru despite a notice asking them not to. No one in our small group did.  I think the people who were keen to do so were not from Europe, Australia or NZ, but from parts of Asia.

In October 2019 Uluru, formerly known as Ayers Rock  was officially closed for climbing.

We visited at sunrise when this was taken, and also at sunset for a very ‘ touristy’ dinner out of doors nearby which was quite fun.
We had travelled by coach from Alice Springs which was a good way to see how vast the country is and the big distances between farms. We had a very entertaining coach driver who gave us lots of interesting information about people and places that we passed.

No photos taken to day as busy with the family visiting.

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