Just the Withers......

By JaneW

New sign !

For the kitchen …. I was delicately holding a French fancy to my chops when that RAGING pest Tits McGee jammed it into my mouth … she’s vair’vair violent. French Fancy is the Mr Kipling brand .. but you can get other makes such as a fondant fancy .. and ummmmmm some other words …

I’ve got Jake the grandson staying the night and Jim and I will take him to rugby tomorrow, they are playing Kings Norton away so I’ve blummin’well got to get up early … hear my grumbling tone .

Thank you SO very much for the hearts , stars and comments on my 9 years worth of photos .. every so often I think of backblipping a few gaps but then I get easily distracted and forget to go look at dates to marry the photo and the missing date up .. maybe I’ll do it sometime x

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