Plait and 'new' vintage cardigan
My (pandemic) winter uniform tends to be jeans and thermals on the bottom, with layers of cotton and knitwear on the top e.g. cotton polo-necked shirt, cashmere polo-necked jumper, and cardigan.
Today I added to my knitwear collection when I bought this vintage Norwegian cardigan. It's very similar to my mainly black Norwegian jumper, which I love. The funny thing about the jumper is that on occasion folk have tried to strike up a conversation with me in Norwegian when I have been wearing it. I wonder if my 'new' cardigan will have similar properties?
I asked Mr hazelh to take the photo with my long plait. I wanted to create a record of it before I let the hairdresser loose on my tresses on Friday.
I have enjoyed my day with a couple of trips out in the sunshine (library, John Lewis, chemist before lunch, post office afterwards), and prep for a day on campus tomorrow. We played Carcassonne again. It's as if I have forgotten everything I ever knew about this game!
Exercise today: 55 minutes on the exercise bike; walking (11,287 steps).
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