don't judge me...

...for being different

i am made out of wood - after all... and i'm forever in this pose - unable to move into any other pose - no matter how uncomfortable i get - it's rather bothersome at times -

but i'm a bird of a different feather - she of the black box - wanted the other kind - yet was unable to find success - so she's made me the object of her study today - if i could move, i'd be flying off - instead - here i sit - in this forever pose - of wooden stillness for her as she mutters about differences and judging and looking ideal as she flashes a light in my face -

i'm familiar with these things - i mean, look at me - i could still be without a home if not for her - fortunately, she recognized i had an offhanded cuteness not to be denied - i'm not sure what's fueling her thoughts on this day - i can only relate to how they impacted me - might have an impact on others as well - be careful with snap judgements - don't make fun of others or bully with words - words can hurt - sometimes we're not even aware of what we say - so tread lightly with how you speak...

although i have no real feathers on me - i suspect i helped her achieve a point today - perhaps she'll look back at this reflectively and wonder - why she allowed a wooden bird to have control of her journal - but i think she'd agree it led to...


happy day.....

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