pink paradise...
...of a store bought flower
on a decidedly winter day - when it's supposed to be springtime...
but no - temperatures have plummeted to 12 degrees people - lest i remind anyone, it's april - boo! and my tootsies have gone into full revolt at this sudden turn of events - because not only have the temps gone north - snowflakes are flying as well - sigh... nature is most clearly confused -
so i had to pull out a reminder - one of a bright pink color - since no one can miss such a clear signal as that, right? it's a bright - bold - perky color - one which has left my eyes glazed over - dreaming of tropical lands - fruity drinks - sand strewn paths under my feet - where tootsie freedom abounds with laziness in the sunshine of warmth - and there is a readiness - making for...
happy day.....
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