Orkney; 15.23hrs

A peedie bit draughty, with slush. 

On the way home from visiting my Mum at the care home we went in past to visit Dougal and his keeper.  It happened again.  The Kilkerran came out.  I received a red card (in other words ‘we had to go’) for foul and abusive language.  I thought things had improved because as we arrived at Dougal’s he was sitting with just his underpants on.  And playing with his train set.  We didn’t ask.  His keeper came and made light of it.  Dougal’s keeper was once CMC’s baby sitter!  I don’t know what CMC makes of it all. Some days I don’t know why I put up with it.
However the outcome was the reservation for a birthday dinner in Kirkwall and the next night another night at Dougal’s watching live fitba’ (The Pars).  It wasn’t easy for Dougal as he was weaned on the terracing at East End Park.

The only evidence I could offer at the enquiry was:  it is Orkney; it’s Winter, Kilkerran is awfa tasty.

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