Place: North Myrtle Beach, SC 36/57
Main activity: Wed - errands, work
Notes: Slept till after 7a - wow! Weird dreams tho ... Did early work emails and then headed out around 845a and got house/mail keys made at Lowe's (since they only gave me one set) and found a cheap full length mirror. On to Aldi then, which has become my new fave store in the absence of a nearby Trader Joe's (will make the longer trek maybe once I'm running out of all the stuff I brought with). Ran into the wonderful couple from last week who gave me their cart as they were checking out (have to have quarter and pay for even paper bags - I learned quickly) - they were right behind me in line today so chatted with them a bit. Rest of the day did some work things and my own things. Felt productive at least. Late afternoon I put a glass measuring cup on the stove to heat up some water  - apparently they don't handle that kind of heat and it exploded. What a mess!

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