Place: North Myrtle Beach, SC 42/63
Main activity: Thurs - Publix, around the house
Notes: Woke early and tried to sleep more but couldn't. Did writing and then got up, still mostly dark. Got to Publix shortly after they opened at 7a - mostly needed to replace my 2 c. glass measuring cup that I shattered on the stove yesterday. Did find 2 pkgs of my treasured wraps (sprouted organic wheat flour) - the last 2 and on sale! So that was a huge bonus. Got a couple other little things and this was the view of early sunrise heading back. Not feeling great about the PatriotSwitch project and how they're going about it, how the commitments work. Emailed my rep to ask her to remove me from the competing team. Anxious and a bit aggravated much of the day. Did another epsom bath and was nice but didn't bring the calming like I wanted. Applied for a couple positions with Melaleuca to possibly work from a different angle - these are in Idaho tho (very unsure I'd be willing to make another huge move and to end up in Idaho ... but I guess I never know). Suddenly heard lots of rustling from kitchen area - turns out a worker guy was clearing the back and trimming the shrub (a little startling).Later, withdrew the applications and got confirmation from my rep to step off the team trying to convince people to join this monthly thing - great products but don't agree with how they go about this (can find a better way to get these to people if I can find the people who want them). Wei called in the evening and talked to him for awhile.

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