jeni and the beans

By themessymama


"I've got no arms or legs!"
"I've got no head!"
"Hahahaha mummy don't be silly they can't talk!"

Bean went out for a playdate today, after a horrible morning of us bickering. I'm glad it's tomorrow: I've forgotten what the bickering was about already, thankfully.

While he was out, the Bear and I did a bit of shopping, and when he fell asleep in the car on the way home (as predicted) I had lunch, followed by a big sleepy cuddle. When he woke he went and got out the tray and pots we've been using to play with our coloured rice and asked for the rice to go in them ("uh, uh?") but as it was almost time to go out again I said he could have pasta instead which he was happy about!

Then it was injections time. I dislike vaccinations. I avoid the 'flu jab every year if I can. I don't like the way they are made or what's in them, even though I'm high risk of complications from 'flu because of the diabetes. I really don't like thinking about how many different nasties get injected into our kids all at once at such a young age, in the hope their tiny bodies will create an antibody key. I'd be a lot happier (to some extent) if the injections could be spread out, but of course this would be highly inconvenient.

Anyway the actual injection part of it I wasn't especially worried about, and the Bear was fine: I held him close in a cuddle, he yelled when the needles went in, but some magic milk and lots of cuddles meant he'd put it behind him by the time we left the nurses' room. He was more disgruntled at having had to leave the toys to go in, so we played some more before going home.

At home I set up the afternoon's invitation to play. The chocolate biscuits I made yesterday, and some coloured writing icing bought this morning. I decorated the heart biscuits to show Bean the idea, and set out some gingerbread men for him to do.

Of course, after I'd picked Bean up (which took an hour and included him managing to come home with an extra toy given to him) but that was ok because he'd given one of his toys to Isaiah too)) he wanted me to do the actual decorating. Supervised closely. He wanted his man decorated like his new spaceman toy. I think I did pretty well! There's a similar spaceman gingerbread in the tin now for daddy who comes home tomorrow (hurrah!).

Dinner was an experiment. I'm concerned that Bean's eating habits are getting narrower and narrower. He will eat less and less things, is getting pickier and pickier, and eating less overall as well. I really don't know why. I can't see it being a "control" thing (as lots of people like to suggest) because I can't see that he needs yet another thing to be in control of. He's pretty free range, really. But I was sad in the supermarket earlier because the one brand of sausages that he'll eat are no longer being stocked.

Anyway the experiment was to cook noodles in a chicken stock (homemade) and have that with hot buttered crumpets. Of course by the time I'd cooked veg as well the crumpets were cold, and Bean HATED the taste of the stock (which I'd made into a slightly thicker sauce and was really yummy to me and the Bear) so I had to drain the sauce off his noodles and add grated cheese. Then he liked it! Hurrah! He only ate half of what I gave him (which wasn't much), but he ate all the crumpet at least. And most of his gingerbread man. I was given the belt to eat for some reason.

And then bed. Gratefully.

Crochet time! I've finished all the squares for Bear's blanket and woven in all the ends, now I'm waiting for some chocolate brown yarn to arrive so I can start piecing them together :)

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