Apples and Oranges

By Anitsirk

My blueberry shrub has finally begun to show some signs of life. Small leaves are developing. :)

I'm also pondering on what to make of the cover for my friends altered book... I have the avocado dyed fabric, soft pink, but I need something more... I'm thinking of adding a smaller piece of fabric, with threads on all sides, and use a stencil and texture paste to give the cover some added texture. Perhaps make a pocket under the smaller fabric piece and a little collage of some kind. I have no clue... but, I'll try this and then see how it ends up.
Tomorrow I plan to go into town and buy some fabric for mums new tablet. She asked if I could sew a cover for it with a velcro closure. Of course. :) So that's my plan for the weekend, and to send it so she'll get it during next week. 

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