The Princess and the Dog

By Princessnthedog

Mug gate

Dear O'H dear, Lovely Tea Jenny and The Eldest Mini Princess,

The Prince made me tea… IN THIS MUG.

“What’s the problem?” I hear you ask O’H Dear and LTJ.

THAT mug is EMP’s. Just hers. It’s her favourite. She might not live here most of the time but no one else can drink from it!

The Prince will drink tea out of any mug but I will admit to being a little (very) picky about it. I even have specific mugs for different times of the day - the “big white cup” is for my morning cuppa and heaven help anyone else* who uses it!

I know it’s a bit weird but it’s not like I’d actually go as far as writing “For Princess use only” with a sharpie on my favourite mugs.

Or that I’ve even thought about it.

And not just because it would come off in the dishwasher.


PS Fear not EMP, I will protect “caramel wafer” from further misuse!

*ok, close family member

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