teeniest flower

66 degrees! Warm and lovely and no mosquitoes.

(19 degrees C)

One of my friends is moving away, away, to Mississippi, which is clearly a terrible mistake, an awful decision. They have heat, humidity, and mosquitoes. They have stars, but who wants to go take pictures of them, when you will get eaten by mosquitoes? 

But I got to see her today and she tried to help me with a video I'm trying to work on. I got to show her the garden Kate designed and tell her about hellebores and heuchera-eating rabbits. My crows came by. Samuel got pet. Karen waved from inside the door. I cooked for her, the first time I have cooked for anyone in ... I really have no idea how long, since before I had access to a microwave. (Karen has a very rigid diet. Essentially, if it has taste, or texture, or interest, she can't eat it.) 

We sat on my chair - table set under the deck. I made her gorgonzola quesadilla, with garlic and spinach and tomato. I also told her, before she tasted it, that it was gorgonzola, which is a really good thing because she is deathly allergic to blue cheese. She would have been the first person I would have killed with my cooking. 

Fortunately, I also prepared some olive loaf-goat cheese-sundried tomato for her. 

I'm going to get to teach a class on climate finance and I am psyched because I really like teaching. Also, they are going about it in a radically participatory way. The students don't need to become experts, they just need to learn enough to supervise experts. We aren't to talk at them for longer than 10 minutes at a time before doing a participatory exercise. Competition to get into the class is intense. 

Climate finance is the third of the subjects. The first is about climate change in general. The second is about "just transitions" or changing the economy in a way that doesn't leave some people economically devastated. Mine is third, and I'm really glad, because there is nothing like the word "finance" to make people terrified of feeling or looking stupid, to put up their force fields and make it even harder to intake information. The program will try to create trust and they'll have two sections to build some before they get to me. 

There is a tiny plant growing in a nearby retaining wall, with a wisp of blue color and I declare that this makes it a flower. In my ignorance I can declare things like that. 

Speaking of hellebores, there are blue ones. BLUE ONES. Helleborus Winter Jewels Blue Diamond looks like the night sky with stars in it. 

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