
By Odofuran

Hanami, Year 3

The cherry blossoms came early this year, then there was a big rain storm and chilly weather the weekend I planned the hanami (cherry blossom viewing party). Luckily the rain stopped the night before, but it put an end to the planned camp out for a spot. Still got there the next morning at 5:30, which turned out to be entirely unnecessary. I do love watching the sun come up and the park come to life, got to enjoy that.

And the best guy you can have as a friend was there with me. Worked Saturday, DJ'd all night, came straight from the event to meet me at the park at 6 am. Beast of a guy. We had about 70-80 people show up, well off the 300+ of last year, but based on the circumstances, it was a grand showing.

While my friend dozed in the sun after we set up, I borrowed his Canon with fisheye lens attached and went around the park. I now know what the first specialty lens I'll be buying is.

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