
By Odofuran

Tired nights

With moving into a new apartment and starting a new job in a few weeks time, I've been so slow adjusting to things. The job requires me to spend less time teaching, less time at work in general, but it's all kid classes, and there's really no break between classes. Damn kids, coming early, so I have to juggle setting up with entertaining the kids before/after their classes.

My old job allowed a few minutes between classes to myself, to just relax and gather my wits again. Plus, never really taught more than three kid classes without a break at that one. Now, 4 classes, kids constantly in the room, and I'm not in teaching-shape anymore. Got home around 8, spent, and felt nothing could hit the spot like some ramen with gyoza and a beer. And I was right.

This here is the noodle-cooking apparatus at the shop.

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