A view from Jeanneb

By Jeanneb53


Yesterday we had book group. The book we had read ‘The Music Shop’ by Rachel Joyce seemed to be generally liked but with some questions with regard to some characters and plot lines. Some people felt it wasn’t as good as others by the same author, the lady who recommended it seemed to have read into it more than the rest of us and she loved it. Another lady said it was the worst book she’d ever read! Interestingly the kindle version (which I didn’t have)  had a play list of the songs recommended by the lead character in the Music Shop which would have added another dimension to it.
I only quote these comments as it illustrates how diverse we all are,  which is a good thing I think. 
For me I think I am now encouraged to read one or more of the same authors books another plus of the group.

I read it a bit too early in the month and whipped through a couple of easy reads, as well as reading on my iPad when I was away in Bath but ongoing since Christmas I have been reading the illustrated book of my blip. 
I have to thank PaulaJ for it’s recommendation and it is truly a delightful read. 
It’s history, following the route of St Cuthbert from his early religious days to the island of Lindisfarne. I was interested because of it’s location but it has given much more than that. It is not dry history nor is it religious as the writer himself is not, but it is written with humour especially as much as his attempts to literally follow the path of St Cuthbert end in mishap and humiliation. As man of similar age to myself I suppose I can relate to his stumbles.  I’m tempted to read more of his titles, The one about Border Reivers sounds interesting as I have two friends who claim this origin on both sides of the border!

I’m going to read the next chapter which will take me to the point where he reaches Lindisfarne, just over half way through the book before starting my next book group book - The Midnight Library by Matt Haig, wonder what diverse opinions  will arise from this read, perhaps as interesting as the read itself!

A cold wet day ideal for reading and I’m starting one of the bargain jigsaws I bought at Tittle Tattle yesterday whilst settling down to watch the six nations rugby.

Last night we had a fantastic meal out. A small cafe in our local town has decided to open in the evening with a ‘high end’ menu. It was really good and the service and welcome was great. Quite a high end price as well but it was worth it.
An amusing interlude at the beginning of the evening was when two ladies on the next table set fire to the menu! No harm done thankfully!

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