A new routine

Over the next few weeks Ann is going to be working16 hours a week, which equates to 4 hours a day, for 4 days a week. For those of you who work full time; I bet you're well jel? But my human can assure you, that after spending the last two years sitting on the sofa, working 4 hours a day is actually quite tiring. Even before lock down (when her main job was doing lots of 'Meet & Greets' each week) she hadn't actually worked in a job that constrained her to 'set hours' since the summer of 2018.

Anyway, that's what she's doing, so we need to have a new routine so that I don't miss out on my walks. Today she was working 12-4pm so I got up at 7.30am and went for a little toileting walk around the block. After breakfast, we went for a walk through the Hermitage for about an hour and a half. OMG?! It was MUDDY. All the leaves have fallen off the trees but at least it wasn't raining. I had such a lovely time.

The plan was................ when Ann came home, just after 4pm, she would take me to the park for more run about time. Isn't it lovely that the nights are getting lighter now? Guess what happened?.................... When Ann came out of work it was absolutely chucking it down with rain. And I mean chucking it down. By the time she'd walked the 5 mins home she was absolutely soaked through to her underwear. But as Ann says; you can't get any wetter than wet.

I immediately got taken out, because we live in a 4th floor flat so whatever the weather, I need to go out for toileting purposes. The rain was absolutely horrendous. It was so horrible that I had a wee straight away. I thought Ann might take me back inside, but she didn't.................. She made me trek around for about 10 mins. I kept stopping to 'shake' because I was wetter than I've ever been in my life. Ann said, 'Trixie, stop holding us up. It's pointless 'shaking' because you're going to get drenched again in the next two secs'.

And the reason for telling you all this...................... Sometimes new routines don't work out as planned...................... But at least I had a really lovely walk this morning.

…...............And tomorrow Ann has the whole day off, so tomorrow we will do something fun together. Yay!!

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