Goodbye manky old balls

Today we went to the 'Edinburgh Dog & Cat Home' to give them all my manky old balls that Ann washed and bagged up last week. I was sad to see them go but I know that all the little doggies that don't have such a nice home as me will be very grateful for them.

Anyway do you know how many manky old balls I've found since Ann emptied my manky old ball box a week ago? I've found 5, so I'm pretty sure that it won't take me long to re-fill my manky old box so that it's full to overflowing with manky old balls again. Yay!

After we'd dropped all my manky old balls off at the Edinburgh Dog & Cat Home, we went for a walk along the beach at Seafield. I found two manky old balls on the beach but I could only bring one home because my mouth isn't big enough to carry two. Booohooo. It was horrible on the beach Ann's words not mine. The rain has been absolutely horrendous today. The only good thing about rain is..................... it makes my fur nice and soft. The bad thing about rain is...................... it makes the house smell of wet dog. Well it's hardly likely to smell of wet cat is it?

Ann's friends, Susi and Kay, are coming for dinner tonight so she's going to have to spray a load of air freshener around so that they don't smell wet dog when they walk into the house?!!!  Fortunately they like me so I don't think they'll care. And Ann is cooking chicken for dinner. Yum! Whenever Ann cooks chicken she always gives me a few tasty treats.

So today hasn't been too bad. Even though I was sad to see my manky old balls go, I've had a lovely play on the beach, I've brought home another manky old ball to put into my manky old balls box, and, I'm going to get some chicken for dinner.


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