More of the same (Day 2472)

For the first time in forever it wasn't blowing a gale or pissing down with some form or precipitation this morning. There was even some sunshine.
My beautiful wife and I decided to make the best of the weather and zoomed to Stromness and got out on George and Red. We did the same route as yesterday and it was great. Feeling the warmth of the sun on our backs was lovely. Less wind meant HV and I were able to talk rather than shout to each other.
HV had suggested a different bitless bridle for George and he was much better in it today. Far easier to bring to a stop and the steering works very well, even when cantering over rough ground. It is also much easier to put on George, which he really appreciates. Extra added of the new bridle for those that are interested.
Back at the yard we put all the horses out in the field without rugs on and zoomed off on a round trip to get another load of hay. With the hay unloaded, we headed for home, collected Sigyn and took her a wander at Lyde. She was in high spirits today, perhaps enjoying the better weather too.
We were home in time for me to settle on the couch to watch the rugby while HV zoomed off to work.
A damned fine day indeed.

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