Evening (Day 2473)

Back to the bathroom re-fit this morning, and the plan was to deal with the rotten wooden stud work in the wall below the window. The plasterboard had been so wet that it disintegrated and the wood wasn't in much better condition. Despite the poor condition of the wood it took a fair while to get it chopped out. With the wood cut out, it became fairly clear that the window has been leaking. The customer will need to get it sorted out.
When I had the wall re-built and plasterboarded, I was able to get the WC unit fitted and then get the loo connected up. It has been a long, busy day.
I was home a little before , my beautiful wife and it was still (just) light enough to have a wander to the bottom of the garden to take a snap of the view. The gales and rain/sleet/snow of the past while have meant we haven't really noticed the lengthening days, but daylight at 5.30pm is a real boost.

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