Welcome to Wonderland

Film from Analogue Wonderland - I don't normally go for excessive packaging or turning something utilitarian into art but I'll make an exception in this case :-)  I seem to have settled on this Ilford Delta 400 as a monochrome film in the Canon A1 I use for my film journal - and Kodak Portra 160 for colour in the Pentax MX.

A dreich day, we emptied the motorhome, fed the washing machine and watched the six nations.

Edit - our son is away to New York for work,  with it being such an exciting day I have resorted to stalking him on FlightRadar24. (extra screenshots)
There is WiFi on the plane - he says the food is not up to much!

Leeds to London on a train, hotel overnight, London - Lisbon-JFK is/was cheaper than any of the UK-JFK options available to his boss!

Thanks to everyone who has visited my journal over the past few days - now we are home I can get around to returning the compliment.

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