Why did I come in here?

By Bootneck

What a pear!

Flossie loves fruit. She can be persuaded to do most legitimate things for a piece of fruit, in this case the top of a pear.

GOOD news, passed the medical to get my driving licence renewed. Nervous, moi? Mais oui, but it happened. Forms all complete now I have to wait for the DVLA to confirm all is OK. The doc knows my skills are OK, just that I was so disappointed to be told I had Meniere's I was too hasty to surrender my licence initially. Live and learn

Whilst in the waiting room I asked my favourite pharmacists for a tennis elbow button, one of those things you strap on the nerve on your forearm to prevent pain from RSI; I jokingly told them I'd be getting my drugs on the internet from India in future, Viagra included, quick as a stiletto to the heart Tina muttered, "If you used Viagra you wouldn't need the tennis elbow button."

I was speechless, basically because I was curled up in a ball laughing. Mrs Booty is still kicking me.

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