Why did I come in here?

By Bootneck

So he does have a supporter

Or have I got this completely wrong?

Does the sign infer affiliation with a group for the freedom, liberation, coalition and desertification of a homeland or is it allied to a hapless eejit with a swiss cheese liver?

About 1 k from us a group have developed a site for their "Off Grid" life experience. Baggy jumpers, dreadlocks and big boots appear to be the norm. Applications for permission to create a permanent larger travellers site have been blocked, somehow more mobile residences have located the field which I now believe is in timeless solidarity with the Jihadist Intifada; this is all a bit heavy for a small Cornish corner.

Soon the skate board kids will be carrying AK47s and RPGs to school whilst beating their chests and cursing the oppressive regime that bestrides them. In truth the Parish Council isn't that bad.

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