Craig's new toy.

A day of errands.

Top of the list was the a trip to the post office. I was emptying No 3's toy bag from her holiday last week and I found the TV remote for the cottage we rented! Oops.

Next a new shower. After the spectacular water feature in the shower room on good Friday, it's been out of action. With 2 teenagers in the house, a broken shower is like a broken microwave...disaster.

Next job, pop over to see Tash, lunch provided and we played with her husband's new toy (bought on my recommendation!). He's working overseas at the moment AND SHOULD BE BLIPPING! - looking forward to his return next week.

Popped out this evening to get an alternate blip and ended up at Bonaly. Didn't manage a better blip but the trip wasn't a disaster...loads of great walks signposted for future trips.

Night night.

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