
By LifeLines

All Okay

Thanks for your good wishes and understanding of my pathetic state! I’ve spent the day working from the sofa being served mugs of tea, lunch and dinner - what state to be in? I feel most pampered.

The foot feels as if it is starting to heal so I am hopeful I’ll be a bit more mobile tomorrow and perhaps able to get some shoes on in a couple of days.

Meantime I’ve been using this umbrella to steady my step. The image on it reminds me of Merlin. He had a little trip to the vet today to get his liver function tested. In one aspect it has improved and is well in the normal range, but another aspect of its function is a little less good, so he will go back for another check in three months. He seems to get a little worried about vet visits these days so we’ve been reassuring him he is ‘all okay’ this afternoon.

Hope your day has treated you kindly.

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