Busy day. Picked Nell up after doing the horses this morning. She was very happy to be home. Then straight out to work. Took a while to get round everyone as one dog had gone into the loft ensuite with her mum whilst she was in the shower so didn't hear me calling her so I had to go back for her. Then Kerry rang to say she'd smelt gas at another clients house. I rang him and he was in B'ham. Fortunately we both have keys for the house as Kerry had gone on to Loughborough so I went round to check it was nothing obvious like the cooker being left on. One of the rings had been left on! House stank of gas so I opened all the windows. Owners are smokers too so hate to think what would have happened if they'd come home with a cigarette on the go! 

Home for 30 mins to have some lunch before going back to the yard. A new deli has opened up at the back of the pub in Swithland so Eva rode Jack down there and we got cakes to help us through our afternoon mucking out and yard jobs and some to take home for the boys too. We were going to go in the school but it started hammering down and is still raining now and blowing a gale. Worried about my boys out in the field in this :0(

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