Ivy berries

Plenty of winter food for the birds.

Well yesterday was funny to say the least. Our Humax recorder has been going funny sometimes it came on to record a set programme but didn't sometimes it did. Then it would stay switched on for ages.We had discussed getting a new one as we have had it for years. Anyway it gave up recording pre set programmes altogether only way was to manually record. So yesterday after giving it another chance 12.15 Bargain Hunt didnt record 2.15 Shakespeare and Hathawsy didnt record. So. We decided to buy a new one. Paula ordered it from Currys for delivery today. Guess what...7.15 it came on recorded Emmerdale shut off. 8pm recorded Dogs behaving badly 9pm Ben Fogals new lives in the wild. Today 2 more programmes with no trouble at all. As my old boss would say "sods lawJacky sods law" anyway itcould go again so weve changed it.

Now we have to find a way to play all those programmes still on the old one....Paula has a plan involving a monitor and a new cable, shes very techie.

Well the gale is still raging outside but the moon, which is the full one tonight is so bright. Its the snow moon

Stay safe everyone

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