Flowers in my garden

Had a good look round and there are hundreds of snowdrops all over the place mainly in the woodland area, the crocus are growing out of the lawn they get better every year, and the primulas I bought the other day. I got some more today and put them in a container on the front lawn they should look pretty when they all come out.

we have had a warning that the gale-force winds we are about to have may cause some disruption in the electricity supplies, so we wait and see, it's breezy and we have had some rain but it's not bad at the moment, fingers crossed it will miss us.

Had a nice walk this morning it was quite spring like and warm. So as I said I mooched about the garden, signs of rhubarb just peeping through. but I think some have been ruined by Tanzy racing up and down the fence just where is grows, barking at the dog next door

Made a curry for tea.

I think the cat is coming out of the meowing and squeaking stage of her season, thank goodness, it's been a lot quieter tonight. She is definitely going for the op I couldn't stand that several times a year. 

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