The Family

If you have seen the Rower's entry today, you will know that we had 7 kookaburras visit our deck all at the one time. 

I've been doing a bit of research, and it seems that there's Mum and Dad - that's Elvis and Priscilla of course-  plus this year's chicks - of which there must be at least two, and the others are offspring from previous years that are allowed to hang around and help bring up the latest generation.  

Kookaburras are monogamous and mate for life - that's pretty awesome in itself.  

They really are the most gorgeous birds.  They will sit and fix their "prey" (that's the mince) with a beady eye, and dare it to wriggle away before they pounce and goggle it up.  Or they might pick up a beak full of mince and bash the living daylights out of it before they eat it.

They are also known to catch and kill snakes, skinks, lizards, mice and the odd rat or two.  That's why they are great to have around.

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