Godless place

Went to the Hospital with mum and my Aunty to see my Nana.

At some point this morning after 48+ hours, someone's common sense alarm went off and she was put in IV fluids. CT scans, xrays. She was not good first thing, but perked up after the scan and the first litre of fluids.

Lots of tests to do. It is clear that she is very poorly but that she has improved.

It upsets me that the opening gambit of conversation with the expert was " so what do you already know?"...this was the Doctor asking us. I confess that I was frustrated by vagueness and a sense that we weren't getting answers. I bit my tongue but did ask a lot of questions. Between us, we got some answers eventually.

Hopefully the actions they are now taking will help with a continued improvement. I have faith in my Nana that she will fight. I am not sure in my faith in other things though, but I must trust and hope that my misgivings are misplaced.

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