Brotherly love

Thinking of all my blip friends down south who have had bad weather and had damage to their properties. 

Today was a good day. We didn't really get it bad up here. It got quite windy on my six mile round walk to pick Harp up from nursery. The bike trailer can turn into a buggy by adding a wheel at the front and it's so much easier to push than a normal double buggy. 

I love the way Carson is looking at Lincoln in this photo. Linc is really good with him . And dinner time was a big success for the Jedi. Those who know will understand. 

Grandad isn't coming for dinner. My mil has the go-ahead to go home under strict instructions that she rests. Myself and Mr R think she should be in the hospital until at least Monday but she's extremely stubborn at times and has promised the doctor she will rest. She's not good at sitting still so I've said to her she better do as she's told. I feel bad though because I've said the Wildlings can't see her for a while because I don't want them to jump all over her or be noisy at her house. She's not very happy with that but I'm doing what I feel is right for her recovery. 

Xander has a couple of mouth ulcers which means he's run down and stressed out. He won't let me help him though. 

I'm looking forward to a couple of glasses of wine tonight. I'm trying to be good and stick to a Friday and Saturday night.

Happy weekend blip friends. I hope it's a good one. X 

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