Admiring the view (Day 2477)

We have been lucky in Orkney and the storms battering the rest of the country have passed us by, and this morning it unusual to wake up and hear no wind.
My job for the morning was a fairly straightforward leak fix under a kitchen sink in Stromness. Typically the valve to switch the hot water broke in the off position and needed to be replaced. It was, of course, only just accessible and changing it meant sacrificing skin and a little blood to the gods of plumbing whilst muttering sweary incantations under my breath. Sorting that problem took longer than the job I was there to do.
Home for lunch before my beautiful wife got home from hoss pedicures. When she arrived home, I took Sigyn out a wander at Lyde while she had lunch and warmed up a bit.
After dropping Sigyn at home, HV and I headed to Stromness and got out for a really lovely ride on George and Red. A fine way to use up the last of the day.
It seems that both George and Red really like satsumas, though Red dribbles a lot more juice than George.

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