Rescued from the garden!

When I looked out at our garden when the wind first got going I saw that this plastic pot was rolling  around with nothing in it! The tête-à-tête were also rolling around separately! So now reunited, rescued and on the kitchen window sill.
The pot is one that the grand children decorated for our allotment show in the autumn and then they planted the bulbs with me later.
I was surprised to see that two of our heavy metal garden chairs had also moved several meters.

Even Bushy Park was closed so not possible to do the usual morning dog walk there …a small tree had come down in our alternative nearby recreation  ground by Teddington School. I do remember the big storm in 1987 when lots of trees came down round here including lots of Horse Chestnuts in Bushy Park so I will be interested to see if any have come down this time as they are very shallow rooted.

Did lots of cleaning and touching up some paintwork..Necessary but not that enjoyable!

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