New Adventures

By P1nkdragen

Baron's Haugh

One of those days where it really felt like spring.  P has been at college today, so I booked myself on to another RSPB walk around Baron's Haugh.  Was a great day for birds walking to the reserve and then on the reserve itself.  Learned how to spot Teal, Gadwall and Goldeneyes, found out more about the estate from the assistant warden and met some nice people.  Also found out that beavers have been spotted not far from Glasgow.  The reserve is man made and the Clyde is doing a good job of eroding the path on the south of the estate which will make it not as accesible for people, but will probably be better for the wildlife.

I set off home in the sunshine and got some lovely views of the village and spotted four roe deer hanging around in the trees.  They weren't much bothered by me, but there were quite a few branches with obscured the blip.  Still pretty amazing to see.  Then I fell over in the muck.

The Campsies looked fab in snow and sun as I got home, and I've had the rest of the afternoon sorting photies, so not a bad day.

Birbs spotted:
Many Song Thrushes
Multiple Herons, one standing in a new pond on a footpath watching the joggers
Long Tailed Tits
Mute Swans
Pink footed geese
Crow friends
Many robins, blackbirds, great & blue tits, mallards, coots, moorhens

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