Karin Kroeze photography

By Karin_HK

View towards Menjangan Island

panorama made with photosynth

Today we got up early to make a guided trek in the West Bali National Park. We started off at the park rangers' office and set out through the mangrove forrest. Here we saw huge numbers of red clawed crabs and mud skippers. Unfortunately we didn't come across the big lizards. We the followed a river up into the forrest and saw lianes Tarzan would be proud off. We tried finding monkeys but were initially unsuccessful. We climbed to the top of this hill to view the tops of the tall trees as sometimes monkeys can be seen jumping from top to top. Still no luck, but we had a great view over the tree tops towards Menjangan Island where we snorkeled the day before.

Walking back down along the river we finally saw a family of monkeys on the other side of the river. It felt like a proper nature discovery program!

On return to the hotel we had a swim in a truly tropical downpour!

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