Bird Watching

As you can see it's another grey, damp day in Belgium, but the birds are singing away this morning so I stood on the terrace to see if I could get any good blips. Unfortunately, as it's raining they're all in the trees and although I saw the odd blue tit, they'd gone before my zoom lens had focused on them!

Our neighbours cat was in the garden watching the birds too, so that's probably why they weren't coming close - so this is the best I could do. He was sat on our neighbours roof opposite, so it was taken on full zoom and therefore a little fuzzy, but I managed to get a couple of shots before he flew off.

I'm working today, so will head out for Louis' walk now and hope it doesn't rain on me while I'm walking to work. I'm not going in the car as we've got a night out straight from work tonight, so I'm looking to that.

Have a good Wednesday - the weekend is coming!

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