Hougoumont Farm

Hougoumont was built between 1358 and 1474, and was the farm where Napoleon launched his attack in the battle of Waterloo in 1815. Wellington's army defended the farm where over 200 Officers and men of the Coldstream Guards and the 1st Foot Guards were killed.

Each year when they have the Battle of Waterloo re-enactment, they march up to the farm and hold a remembrance ceremony with a minute's silence.

Project Hougoumont which is supported by the current Duke of Wellington has been set up to raise funds for the restoration and preservation of the farm.

I went for a walk up there this morning with Louis, and it's still in a very derelict state as you can see. Louis loved it, there were so many smells and everywhere was very muddy, so he got very excited!

I'm just back from Zumba, which was a great workout today, and now I'm getting ready to go and meet my friend and her baby for lunch.

In other news, my daughter is going to be joining us on blip as she wants to create a journal for Scarlett, so that will be great for me to see daily photos and progress reports. If you're interested here's the link to her diary.

Anyway, I'd better go and get ready - hope you're having a good day!

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