On the Path, Early One Morning

... a laughing child a pile of magnets attached to a stop sign a dog with sunglasses surfers waiting for the big waves a man yawning into his coffee he has zigzags tattooed from his ear down the side of his neck and into his clothing like a giant zipper. The crows are making a huge noise in the field. A woman runs by in tight brilliant gold spandex like an Oscar and I am too slow in getting out the camera. Under the cries of the crows is the solitary sound of a hawk. A large curly dog stops every few feet to scratch behind his ear it’s a ruse, she says he does this every time we come back from a walk he doesn’t want to go home. It is all such a delight. Early morning walkers smile good morning good morning they say. It’s overcast for the first time in weeks. A seasonally appropriate chill drives my fingers deeper into the mouths of the fingerless gloves.  The woman says It’s hard to know what she’s thinking but Tim says I think she knows but she forgets.

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