Carol: Rosie & Mr. Fun

By Carol

2022 Sunday — 30th Anniversary

Dinner this evening started as we read a comment on my social media page from Dorothy. She put this question on my FB post, "Are you in town?"

So I responded in a private text,
"Hi Dorothy: We are. We’re here to get our taxes done this coming week and then head north. Wanna do dinner today? Rodrigo’s? 4:30? Let me know and we’ll catch-up then."

It was good to spend time with Dorothy. We have a lot of history together. Today was her 30th wedding anniversary to Herman; however, Herman died from a heart attack in October 2018, about 3 1/2 years. After the massive attack, Herman lingered 130 days. She was with him every one of those 130 days.

We were glad that our spontaneous get-to-gether this evening helped Dorothy to be busy and involved with friends and not spend a lonely evening.

We first met Dorothy when she and her first husband, Stan, moved into our neighbor back in the late 60s. Their three kids were good friends with our two kids. They all grew-up together. Somewhere around 1977, Stan left Dorothy and they eventually were divorced. Dorothy's second marriage was a real dud and several years later she married Herman.

Almost every time we are here in SoCal we have dinner with Dorothy at Rodrigo's.

Good night from SoCal,
Rosie (& Mr. Fun), aka Carol
and Chloe & Mitzi too!

P.S. This morning's message at Calvary Chapel Chino Hiils was very interesting and meaningful. Before the message pastor spoke about Canada and what's happening there. Here’s the Link

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