Leaving Vigo

After our unscheduled late night yesterday we had a lie in and finally made it up to the buffet restaurant for breakfast around 10.30. I must admit to being a little under the weather so managed a little nibble of the very small portions I’d been served.

Despite my late breakfast I needed a little more fuel at lunchtime and managed to blip this beautiful orchid in the lobby outside the restaurant for FlowerFriday. Thanks to BikerBear for hosting.

I picked up a clue sheet for the scavenger hunt after lunch and spent an hour it so walking all over the boat trying to find the clue locations. Managed 6 out of the 9 and left the rest for tomorrow as it was time to head off for another lecture from the musical historian. Turned out not to be a lecture but more of a chat and a Q&A. He’s a very interesting man and very happy to share some of the outtakes of his time as musical director of the household division.

Tonight’s gala theme was roaring twenties and I had a flapper style dress and other accessories whilst Mr PHL wore his tartan trews and velvet jacket. We neglected to take our own picture but did get some shots done by the ships photographer so expect a future blip of us once I get them.

Dinner was lovely, coquille san jacques and panne cotta to follow. Watched a little of the show but tiredness won out and we left before the end.

Edited to add an extra of me in my flapper inspired dress pointing at one of the photo clues which we spotted en route to the cabin.

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