Rainy day

Late night yesterday after my lunch out. We started on the Prosecco and went on to cocktails. The French martinis I had were so delicious that I had to have more than I should have. Left the others to it at 10 and caught the bus home. Was halfway to the house from the bus stop when I spotted Mr PHL and Phin out for the final walk so it was nice to have company back to the house. Tea and toast and I was only fit to head to bed.

Woke feeling surprisingly fresh this morning and quite enjoyed the drizzle as I took Phin out. It’s been a quiet day but I have managed to get my blanket up to date and ready to just do a square a day from now on.

It was much wetter on the early evening dog walk but it doesn’t bother Phin so I didn’t let it bother me.

Mr PHL spent the afternoon setting up our new laptop. There was a promotion on at Costco which finished today so it made sense to take advantage of the discounts. We’re going to share it but I’ll let him do all set up! Our previous laptops were pretty old and it will give us a bigger screen to take it in the caravan.

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