In Sickness And In Health

My wonderful husband takes the marriage vows we made so long ago very seriously.  When we married in 1984, I was a person who was rarely sick with a strong immune system, so I guess he expected that we would grow old together (and we have), but, I am sure that he never expected that Stage 4 breast cancer would come into our lives in 2015 and would never quite leave us alone.  He has been with me through the radiation, the infusions, the surgeries and now, the daily oral chemo pill regimen that can make me hard to live with on certain days of the three week cycles, but he says it is worth it because it keeps me alive.  That is why he helped me to set up this photo of my hand doing the ASL sign for "I love you" into his palm showing our wedding rings. You can see that the chemo is hard on my nails, but that is only a minor inconvenience  and the way things are.  And, yes, I took the picture.  Thanks to jensphotos for hosting....

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