
I was working in the garage this morning - trying to make another very thin miniature 'cup' (in the extras). It was going fine until the stem snapped. However, the two pieces fitted nicely so I got the glue out and repaired it.
It has gone to show that I can actually do it and that pleases me.

What didn't please me was the racket from the generator and the high pressure water jet the guy was using to 'wash' next door's house.
So I gave up and went in for a coffee.
I can't help feeling they have wasted their money as the 'cleaning' has left marks and huge finger prints on the wall and there was a heel of a lot of the harling blown off which is going to let the weather do more damage, faster.

Apparently the 'Road Closed signs are out on the main road ..... but no men, machinery or signs of work.

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