Place: North Myrtle Beach, SC 56/70
Main activity: Tues - Kroger, Fridigidaire tech
Notes: Walked to Kroger very nearby just before 7a (they open at 6a) - don't like to support them much and very dumpy store but got a couple produce things and walked the store to see what they might have for future needs. Maintenance for the fridge/freezer was set for 8a-12p and waited until after 11a for the guy to show up. Got the doors switched tho (ridiculous set-up originally) which fixed the popping sound when the door open/closed. That took awhile and then he pulled it out to find what was creating the loud fan noise and excessive heat between the upper/lower. He was able to fix all that - lots of greatness from his work! And I keep trying to open the door backwards now as it becomes habit even when the most unnatural thing and not designed for the space at all. Twoooosday: 02.22.2022 - big astrological day and marker in the world!

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