The Princess and the Dog

By Princessnthedog


Dear O'H dear, Lovely Tea Jenny and The Eldest Mini Princess,

I was working today so I can have tomorrow off to take Victor to the hospital to have his dressings changed. I hadn’t managed to clear this arrangement in advance with The Boss* so I messaged him this morning:

“Hi Boss, I am presumptively working today instead of tomorrow so I can take my Dad to a hospital appointment tomorrow. I hope that’s ok.”

Then a follow up message:

“Please let me know asap if it’s not ok…so I can log off for the day and call in sick tomorrow.”

He was fine with it. Must be my negotiation skills!

In other news, Mary Doll was in a foul mood. Victor said she was falling out with the test this morning because it was positive!


*last minute change of plans due to Mary Doll having covid

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