A Plant By Any Other Name

These Tiny Two-For Flowers on Twosday are apparently Violets and they're coming up in lots of places.  I remember how invasive the viola were in the lawn and beds at our house in NH and I'm thinking they will be the same, but the plants are green and the flowers are pretty so.........

So the fence is installed and done and it's all an adjustment after our private, wooded New Hampshire yard and property - I've put a picture in Extra.  It will look much different with a little landscaping, well a lot of landscaping and decorative touches. It already feels like a little oasis in the jungle of development and houses.  

In other news, I went to a Yoga Nidra class at the Arts Center here in town tonight - good to get out and see what's going on a little.  Met a young lady from Connecticut who moved down here about the same time we did.  She has a very close friend who lives just a few miles from our house in New Hampshire.  Small world.  I regret not having asked for her phone number, as she was fun to chat with.  Hopefully, I'll see her at another class.

Going inland for a couple of days to spend time with my niece in Apex, about 2 hours away.  We both work at home so we'll be "working buddies" during the day and have some fun "girl time" in the evening.  Her husband is away on a business trip and her two girls (11 and 14) are delightful company.  

Thanks so much for all the stars to welcome me back this week. I am still in a bit of a funk over the circumstances with Ben last week, but, as Mick Jagger said,  time is on my side - hope to be better at commenting in the next few days.

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