Can you see me?

Woke up to the sad news about the Ukraine, so needless, pointless. 

Tried to settle into masters work, but for some reason finding it hard.  A plus for the day was the having the husband at home.  

Disaster of the day unveiled itself when I hugged the eldest and saw a couple of red spots lurking on his neck, further investigation and he has full blown chicken pox.  He is dreadfully sad about it, and it explains his feeling under the weather yesterday and today. A day at home alone with mummy tomorrow has kind of cheered him up. Youngest is devastated about having to go to school when his brother stays at home! 

Today I'm grateful for: 
Finding some masters related reading on my bookcase! 
Evening cuddles with the boys and a lovely time reading their books 
Productive evening getting a few things done

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