Park life

Another day, another park (or, one of our repertoire of parks).  We're lucky to have a selection to visit, we have 5 regular ones where we live and then a handful more a short drive away. 

I can't believe we're half way through the last-but-one week of home schooling. It's flying by.  Am amazed at how many children don't turn up for online lessons (three in the whole class lesson this afternoon and the youngest has had one on one lessons all week for his 'group' lessons (albeit, only 3 in it!) I'm happy as we get the benefit. (I think one of them might be in school on some days). 

Today I'm grateful for: 
Kind words from the teachers at school I'm 'top of the lovely mummy list' (I'll have to remember that one, because I'm sure it isn't always true!) 
Fun at the park - it always is, even if lethargy sometimes holds us back from actually wanting to go 
The hope of a undisturbed night tonight - up three times last night and starting to flag now. 

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