
Still on a cleaning spree. I cleaned the bedrooms (inc under the beds.... I don't ever want to go under the girls bed again!!) changed the beds, turned the mattresses (which proved to be quite a task for a top bunk mattress, I lost count of the amount of times I smashed my head on the ceiling and trapped my fingers between the ceiling and mattress, OUCH!) and then I thought I would blitz the toilet... I now know why you shouldn't mix chemicals... Bleach, Viakal, Cilitbang, Flash bathroom and some kind of crystal things should not be mixed... The toilet started smoking... I opened the window, flushed the toilet, shut the door and tried not to think about it. Ignorance is bliss, right??

We had a magpie in the garden all day so I also spent a lot of my time saluting that.. natch!

The children spent a lot of time (all day) on the bikes, playing in the garden and playing hopstoch... Not one to be left out!! Evie had an eye test and has fantastic vision, unlike my deteriorating sight! :o/

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