Carol: Rosie & Mr. Fun

By Carol

2022 Tuesday — Artsy Heart Day

The artsy heart in the sky is what I saw when this photo fell out of my phone's camera. We were returning from our tax account's office in Irvine in Southern California and headed to the Inland Empire.

It's one day a year that I don't look forward to, it is nerve wracking, and it takes hours of preparation and organization. However, the feeling of relief and accomplishment are enormous, not only as we leave his office, but for the remainder of the day.

So the heart in the clouds was a bonus. I'm sure it would have been a bigger deal if today's date was February 14th, but this was 2/22/2022 and you won't believe this . . . our appointment was 2:00 pm.

So happy artsy heart day!
Rosie (& Mr. Fun), aka Carol
and Chloe & Mitzi too!

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